Arrow Consulting
Premier Provider of Consulting Services in Vietnam
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Arrow Consulting assists international investors to find a suitable partner to undertake their entry to the local market or to expand their existing local business. Through our expertise and connections in several economic sectors in Vietnam, the clients are ensured that we know the key players as well as the most potential future partners in these sectors. One of our key assets is its ability to access virtually all major groups in Vietnam, international or local, at management or ownership levels.

Vietnam traditionally offers great potential for manufacturing with a huge number of skilled and cheap labor, there are more and more foreign companies to come to Vietnam to seek for quality products with competitive price. Not less is the number of those who seek to supply products where they have comparative advantages: hi-tech, electronic products, industry raw materials etc. Recently there has been another wave of investors who seek specific projects in Vietnam to start or buy into.

However, due to differences in business culture, language and other barriers, it may not be easy to find out reliable and suitable partners in Vietnam.

Our systematic approach could enable us to find and screen out the most suitable partners in Vietnam, which would reduce the risk in selection of local partners and save clients’ valuable time/efforts.

Several clients chose to get involved in the first stage through a visit to Vietnam. Arrow Consulting could further arrange your business trip, which may include: (i) Itinerary of business trip to Vietnam; (ii) Meeting schedule; (iii) Participate the meeting to assist in negotiation; (iv) Logistics and (v) Interpretation, if required.